Tee One Up Fore the Kids
Tee One Up Fore the Kids
4 Player Scramble to benefit Disabled Children in the local community. To register or for more details, please contact: Tom Chesnut [email protected] 541-915-0187
4 Player Scramble to benefit Disabled Children in the local community. To register or for more details, please contact: Tom Chesnut [email protected] 541-915-0187
2023 Pine Ridge Golf Club Tournament Series Men's Club Closer FORMAT: Best Ball – Ball must be holed. Gross and Net Payout. Optional Gross and Net Skins TEES:          #3 – Under 69       #3/4 Combo – 70 and over STARTING TIME: 10:00 am Shotgun Cost: $30 + Greens Fee Open to Pine Ridge Men's Club Members only. To register, please visit the link below.
2023 Pine Ridge Golf Club Tournament Series Yellow Ball Time: 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start Tees:             Men –#3 Tees           Women – #4 Tees Cost: $30 + Greens Fee Format: 5 Player teams. Stroke Play (aggregate; 1 gross ball, 1 net ball, 1 net yellow ball) Each team will select a YELLOW BALL order prior to teeing off. A player MUST play and count the YELLOW BALL on his or her designated hole.  Hole designation is as follows                                    Player A                    Holes # 1, 6, 11, 15                                    Player B                     Holes # 2, 7, 12, 17                                    Player C                    Holes # 3, 8, 14, 18                                    Player D                    Holes # 4, 9, 13                                    Player E                     Holes # 5, 10, 16 Failure to return the designated YELLOW BALL will result in a 5 Shot penalty!!